Tying up hay nets with cold fingers, struggling to fill, nylon chord digs into your hands, can't open stable door while carrying nets? All this is a thing of the past with the amazing new invention from Easy Net.
The design is simple but brilliant. This new patented hay net self-stands for easy filling, the new bungee rope mechanism makes hanging easy and the heavy duty fast release clip makes easy work of tying. NO MORE KNOTS!!!
This new and amazing hay net is a must for all horse & pony owners and is only available to buy here online.
Everyone's Talking About It - Be the envy of your yard!!!!
- Free standing and self opening for easy filling
- No need to tie ANY knots with cold fingers
- Turns into a shoulder strap for easy carrying
- Leaves both hands free for opening stable doors and using wheel barrows
- Elasic bungee self adjusts when hay is eaten
- Fill nets and hang in half the time
Available in Pink or Black
ONLY £14.95